Wednesday 29 June 2016

24 weeks + 4 days

Baby girl is still breech - I knew it! Bum down, head up, and looking mighty comfortable in that weird position. (I feel like I can already safely assume that she is going to be stubborn like her sister, this one.)

She's also alternating between hiding her face directly into the placenta itself, or smooshed into the uterine wall, so we had no way of seeing her little face this week. Sheesh, kid. Give your mama something to work with here, won't you?

On the plus side, she's measuring almost average for dates, her heart rate is 165bpm and she is making noticeable movements during scans, even if I'm still feeling her sporadically. My OB was very reassuring today, and said that for 24+ weeks, baby is looking nice and healthy, and we just keep plugging away until she's here.

I'll see him again in a few weeks time, just after I do the 2-hour GTT. (Delightful!) I'm already anticipating to fail, but we'll tackle that hurdle when we get there. Now.... FLIP BABY. Fliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip.
Hi folks! My hand is all you get today, the rest of me is too busy being difficult. *waves* :)

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Baby #2 - Week 24

How far along: We are officially in Week 24!

How big is baby? A delicious rockmelon this week... now I want to eat some rockmelon. #butnotthebaby
Image credit here

Sleep: Georgia has been waking up a lot recently, and complaining that 'something scared her'. We have NO idea what, and she can't tell us - and she goes back to sleep eventually, just needs a cuddle. Needless to say, sleep has been a little broken.

Symptoms: Back aches and belly cramps, which I hope are related to growing pains and nothing more sinister.

Best moment of this week: Our pram is complete - we found the matching infant capsule/car seat to go with it, and it looks so fantastic. I can't wait to see it in action in a few months time, I love it. Also... 24 weeks!

Miss anything: I miss being able to lift Georgia comfortably, I'm struggling a bit at the moment.

Movement: After last week's lack of movement, I had a few days this week of lovely wiggles. Hoping that it continues to improve over the coming weeks.

Food cravings: Not really sure what I feel like this week, actually. I'm not too fussed.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Still just the smell of cooking meat.

Gender: Girl!!

How's your mood? Excited and hopeful.

Looking forward to: The weeks ticking on! We have an OB visit tomorrow (yay!) and I really want to see what position the baby is in now; I'm still guessing breech.

The Bump: Still largely soft, but starting to firm up a wee bit.

Friday 24 June 2016

23 weeks + 6 days

I'm finally feeling her.. really feeling her! Still not all day long, but night times, oh my. We play music and she loves it - so do I.

For so long we ached for another baby. For so long I was scared that we wouldn't get that chance again. For so long I feared that our pregnancy with Georgia, as beautiful and uneventful as it was, was to be our last, and that we would never get to experience this again.

And here we are years later, and it's happening again. I'll be 24 weeks tomorrow. Pregnant. Another baby wedged firmly in my tummy, full of hope and potential and excitement and change. I can't believe we're here.

The anxiety doesn't get better; I don't think it will ease until this little lady is here in our arms. But I don't want to forget this pregnancy, as scary as it's been... because we have been waiting for it, and it's here now.

Every wiggle, every ache and pain, every time I look down at my belly... I am savouring every minute.

Tuesday 21 June 2016

Oli6 Dairy Goat Formula: Sponsored Post

This sponsored post is brought to you by Nuffnang and Oli6 Dairy Goat Formula. If you are interested in a product review or sponsored post content appearing on Breathe Gently, please email me.

Have you ever heard of Dairy Goat Formula? If you're anything like me, the answer will be 'no'.

But what I have heard from multiple mum friends and relatives, is that if you have a child with digestive issues, it can be virtually impossible to find the right formula to supplement your baby's nutritional needs.

With another little one on the way, I keenly took the opportunity to research this new product on the market. While I was able to breastfeed my daughter successfully until she turned 12 months old {and what a battle that was!} I know that each baby is different, so seeking out alternates for infant and toddler formula is just one way that I can be prepared.
What IS this product?

Oli6 is proudly Australian made and owned, dedicated to educating people about Goat's Milk Formula.

While breast is best, it's suitable for babies from birth to toddlerhood, so if you're a new Mum - or perhaps a Mum who is interested in weaning onto formula or supplementing their diet, there's a product for every stage.
  • Oli6 Dairy Goat Infant Formula - Stage 1 – From birth to 6 months
  • Oli6 Dairy Goat Follow On Formula - Stage 2 – 6 - 12 months
  • Oli6 Dairy Goat Toddler Formula - Stage 3 – 12 - 36 months 
Where can I get it?

You can sign up and order directly from their website, or alternatively can source a local chemist supplier in your area.

Why should I try it?

There are quite a few benefits that I've found that make this product worth trialling with your little one.
  • We all hear about how breastfeeding is best when possible, but there are many situations where breastfeeding does not work out, where mixed feeding becomes essential or when your breastfeeding journey comes to an end. It can often be a challenge to find the right formula to suit your baby's tummy though, which is why Goat's Milk Formula could be the answer - the natural prebiotic oligosaccharides are structurally closer breast milk than regular cow's milk. Not only that, the protein and fat found in goat's milk are less complex and easier to break down.
  • It naturally contains a variety of vitamins & minerals: Vitamin A for vision and sight (46% more than cow’s milk), Vitamin C for development and growth (37% more than cow’s milk), Magnesium for development and growth (33% more than cow’s milk) & Calcium for teeth and bones (10% more than cow’s milk)
  • It's made and produced here in Australia, and it's great to support locally owned products. This is especially important in the current market, where formula shortages are happening often. And.. they are a sustainable company, committed to reducing their carbon footprint - with all packaging being recyclable. 
  • They are currently running a $10 cashback scheme, so now is as good a time as any to try it out! 
What did I learn?

First up, I assumed that this formula would only be suitable for little ones with allergies or tummy troubles - but it's actually suitable for all infants!

I was also surprised to read about the digestive health advantages within goat's milk, and I can really see how it would be a nice, gentle transition from breastmilk for tiny bellies. Naturally occuring vitamins and minerals and prebiotics are a real bonus. Their slogan is 'The Naturally Smarter Choice' and it really does seem that way.

I'm a huge advocate for animal welfare, and Oli6 is socially committed to the well being of their goats, allowing for free roaming in paddocks - and that makes me happy.
I've definitely broadened my horizons since researching this product, and I'd love to know whether you've tried it/would be interested in trying it too.

Baby #2 - Week 23

How far along: 23 & a half weeks!

How big is baby? A grapefruit.. that doesn't seem very big? Crazy fruits.
Image credit here

Sleep: Not good. I am coming down with cold #3 in this winter season, and not happy about it!

Symptoms: More pimples this week, and a very sore back. And the odd bit of colostrum!

Best moment of this week: We bought our pram! I'll post more about this later, but squee. :)

Miss anything: I miss good antibiotics.

Movement: Baby girl has actually been really quiet this week and freaking me out. Next week's OB appointment can't come soon enough.

Food cravings: I want a banana smoothie with icecream and honey.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Eggs.

Gender: Girl!!

How's your mood? Cranky and irritated because I'm sick, and because time feels like it's going so slowly.

Looking forward to: Viability in just a few more days... come on baby! And an OB visit next week too.


Wednesday 15 June 2016

Baby #2 - Week 22

How far along: 22 and a bit weeks.

How big is baby? As heavy as a papaya or as long as an ear of corn, apparently!
Image credit here

Sleep: Sleep hasn't been too bad. I'm feeling tired all the time, so I'm just going with it.

Symptoms: Feeling bloated this week, and a few nasty pimples popping out. No fun!

Best moment of this week: I booked into our hospital and filled out all the paperwork, so it feels a bit more real now. We'll skip classes this time around, but we'll still get to do a tour in the coming weeks.

Miss anything: Nope - feeling very grateful.

Movement: Still thuds way down in my pelvis, which I assume are from her feet... I reckon still breech.

Food cravings: I had my craving (chicken and mushroom sauce) for our anniversary dinner, so I'm feeling super chilled out this week. Not really feeling like much of anything, actually. Maybe some fudge.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Anything with lamb. *barf*

Gender: Girl!!

How's your mood? Still worried that something might go wrong, but trying to be positive - this week has been a little all over the place. Excited to see the weeks go by, but wishing it would go a little faster.

Looking forward to: Counting down to viability (a few more weeks to go) as well as my next OB visit in a fortnight's time. I miss the weekly appointments, haha.

The Bump: Here is this week's offering... hrmmm. I felt about the same as last week, but maybe a small pop?

Thursday 9 June 2016

21 weeks + 5 days

The little lady is still breech, no movement at all from last fortnight. Frank breech, with her butt above my cervix.
I know there's still time for her to move, but man.. when my kids are stubborn, they're stubborn. From 20 weeks, G was head down and low low low and she didn't budge. Makes me think that this one might be the same, just the wrong way around!
It wouldn't worry me, except that because of my history of spontaneous labour slightly early (36+4) it would be too early to do the hard-core manual moving... so my OB warned me that we might have to have the c-section talk over the coming months.
Of course, that put me into a bit of a panic - I was so hoping for a do-over of the last birth & a c-section wasn't part of that plan. But that said, it's early, there's time (I hope!) and at the end of the day, getting this little girl here with us is what's important.
(Although her head seems a bit squished and smaller than usual in today's measurements - and a quick Google said that apparently being in the breech position can skew the results. Gah!)
Here she is sitting upright, with her butt firmly down and arms and legs wiggling around her face. Cheeky wee thing! 
Can you make out the tangle of limbs?
I suspect there will be a fair bit of googling in my future, for ways to encourage baby movement! :) 

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Baby #2 - Week 21

How far along: 21 weeks & change.

How big is baby? Crunch, crunch. We're as big as a carrot now! :)
Image credit here

Sleep: Oh, we are back to lots of lovely sleep this week. The only negative is that I can't sleep comfortably on my stomach now, and I'm not a great side sleeper.. gotta get used to this again.

Symptoms: A few lightning bolts to the crotch this week, and a sore belly - I think it's stretching. I also am having a lot of painless Braxton Hicks already (is that early?) particularly when I flip side to side.

Best moment of this week: A few tiny pokes, which makes me smile. I've also been tackling the spare room and I can almost see its shape for a new nursery coming along. Excited to use Georgia's things again.

Miss anything: I miss being able to get up and down quickly.. I keep forgetting, and ouch!

Movement: Slowly but (hopefully) surely! I tend to feel movement mostly at night, which seems on par for babies at this stage. Still very sporadic, but it's so nice starting to feel her.

Food cravings: I want a certain meal at a certain restaurant, and that's it: grilled chicken with mushroom sauce at Rashay's. It makes my mouth water just typing that.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Just meat cooking.

Gender: Girl!!

How's your mood? Up and down like a yo-yo! Starting to think ahead, and prepare a little more. I've also decided to dive headfirst into the baby's future room while I'm feeling good... so hopefully this makes it all feel more real.

Looking forward to: Today's OB visit (I want to see baby girl again!) and our wedding anniversary this coming Saturday. 5 years married, 14 years together, and I'm so bloody lucky to have him.

The Bump: I feel about the same as the last few weeks.

Thursday 2 June 2016

20 weeks + 5 days

While there's still a lonnnnnng way to go, I'm finding myself starting to think ahead to the coming months. I have to say, it's a nice change from living hour by hour, or even just getting through one day at a time. I still look forward to clocking the weeks off as they come, but.. it's now the second half of pregnancy, that's something to get excited about!
I'm about to dive into sorting all of Georgia's old baby clothes. I also need to make a list of items we do still need to buy for this baby. The big ticket items are a new car-seat and a new pram (as I HATED my old pram!) as well as a second baby monitor, as we are still using one in G's big girl room. We have borrowed a baby swing this time around, and I already have a Rock n Play, a little baby chair, a cradle and all nursery furniture leftover from last time. 
While having another girl is all sorts of fantastic, I do feel a little sad that 99% of her things will be hand-me-downs. Great for the thrifty side in me, but kind of sad for bebe girl #2. That said, I'm allowing myself to splurge on a few new things for her. :)
I know she's not going to know or care one way or the other, but I just want her to know how loved she is, how much we fought for her, how important she is to us. Sure, the big baby shower was all about celebrating Georgia {and how lucky we were to have her!} but ... this wee one is no less special, just because the preparations for her arrival are a little more low-key.
I was thinking of perhaps inviting a few girlfriends to a high tea or little luncheon later on in the pregnancy, to celebrate her impending arrival. As I said, it's still a while away yet, but something to think about.

I'm so excited for this new little person to join our family, all going well, and I just want to share that with the world!