Monday 13 March 2017

Life with Two

Life with two is...
Sometimes it's cranky noises - the baby screaming, the preschooler yelling. Sometimes it's happy noises - the baby discovering her voice, the preschooler talk, talk, talking about everything & anything. Rarely is it quiet around here!
Since I'm lucky enough to be a stay at home Mum, I try and get out a little each day. Between the two girls, we always seem to have an appointment looming. Gone are the days of sleeping when the baby sleeps - always something to do. :) (And also why I blog so much less frequently these days!)
All about Food.
OH MY GOD, food. Georgia is hungry ALL THE TIME. I've done a freezer load of snacks to combat this, because I was getting so frustrated with her always asking for snacks. She's starting to get better thanks to her preschool (more structured times - so breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, etc) but she would snack all day if she could. Baby's finally in more of a routine with her feeding... and now she's starting solids too. Food. All day long.
My girls are my world. I love these two crazy kids. Hubby & I are so damn lucky!