Tuesday 11 October 2011

October Photography Challenge - Day 11: Something Blue

Day 11: Something Blue: Yes, we've done clouds already - but today's sky was such a gorgeous shade of blue, I just couldn't help myself. The beauty of having a balcony is that we have a great sky view. Isn't it lovely?

We had better clouds today than on the original day of the challenge. With the beautiful weather we've had in the last few days, I was hoping our house build would've had loads of progress - not much to report there, I'm afraid.

For more information & to check out the other participants, click on the image below, or follow the Flickr stream.


  1. Your view looks so large, off our balcony I do not get such a huge patch of sky!!

  2. Oh that is stunning. Do you mind me asking what sort of camera you took those with?

  3. Wow, that sky looks amazing! Such a gorgeous shade of blue!

  4. Wow, the sky is such a gorgeous color blue! Good choice!

  5. gorgeous blue skies and great clouds.


Spare a thought?