Thursday 7 June 2012

Ovary Fail

After 19 days of High on the Clearblue Fertility Monitor & a gradual fading OPK pattern... I'm done. A Low this morning & a blindingly white stick = yet another month of anovulation.

They say the months after IVF are your most fertile, thanks to the residual hormones & all that jazz. That's what they say. All I know is that even with a dose of Clomid to try and help things along, my reproductive organs have closed shop and refuse to budge.

I should've taken the Provera a week ago, when I had my first inklings of doubt. Instead, I waited. I waited, thinking I might have a nice surprise (albeit late) ovulation, and we'd get a shot at conceiving in June, the month of our wedding anniversary. Stupid me.

So, today is Day 1 of a 10 day meds cycle, to bring on AF. Now, I have at least a fortnight ahead of me, and then some, while we wait for AF and get this useless waiting period over.


  1. oh friend i'm so sorry. keeping you both in my thoughts and sending all the happy baby making vibes i can.

  2. I didn't ovulate either, friend. I think our bodies are freaking out a bit. Hopefully your shop will open again soon. :)

  3. I am so sorry. I keep thinking of you for some reason and I am sure it will happen for you soon. I have no reason for saying it, I don't know you as such, I just feel like it will. I am praying for you guys x

  4. Sorry hun.... looks like the universe is bringing on a lot of bad news today for us all. Thinking of you with all my heart and hope your next step starts soon xoxo

  5. I've got nothing but a hug for you.

  6. Ughh...sorry this cycle didn't work out the way you had thought. I think waiting to ovulate is absolute torture, can't imagine when you have to wait and then have it not happen. Hope AF comes quickly...


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