Back to School

Somehow the holidays are over, already.

It feels as though I literally JUST packed up my classroom ready for the Christmas holiday break. Suddenly, it's back to work tomorrow - ready for a whole new class, a whole new year, a whole new set of challenges.

This year, my class is going from 23 students to 29. That may not sound like much, but it's a huge increase when you're talking about the ability to work with each child 1:1. I'm kind of bummed about it, but it's out of my hands.  All we can do is cross our fingers and hope for some new enrolments that will bring our numbers back up to where they need to be. It bugs me though, seeing as the government is constantly pushing for us to have smaller class sizes - yet they're being difficult and refusing to pay the school the funding to employ another teacher. Politics + education = disaster.

It's back to planning and programming. It's back to early mornings and late nights. It's back to new parents, new kiddies, new responsibilities. Here's hoping 2012 is a great year!

3 Comments • Labels: ,  


Lindz said...

Good luck, lady. I almost had a heart attack when I had two classes with 40 students in each but they have turned out to be great. Nonetheless it still isn't fair. Education is a hot mess right now, I tell ya!

terra said...

That's tough. 29 students is a lot for one person to handle. I wish education got the funding it deserves, on all fronts.

Emilie said...

I don't know how you do it! Don't you have special needs kiddies mixed in your classes as well? Do you have teacher's assistants in your school? Here they have helpers in each classroom for parts of the day, like 2 hours or something to help give teachers a break.

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