34 weeks + 3 days

We had a growth ultrasound this morning to see how baby girl was measuring - this after my fundal height measured four weeks ahead (!) at the last OB appointment. I was really looking forward to seeing the baby again - though was a bit worried about the sizing, and whether we'd get the details we wanted... this little one has a mind of her own & has a history of not behaving during scans and tests.

On the bright side, baby girl is doing perfectly! All of her measurements {legs, arms, belly, head, etc} put her estimated gestational age at 34 weeks + 3 days - yes, EXACT to the day! Couldn't ask for better than that. My amniotic fluid levels are nice and average, and placenta and cord seem to be doing a-ok too. Best of all, she is head down and in the cephalic position - so we're in a good place for birth. In fact, she is SO far down and engaged that the sonographer could hardly push down low enough to take her head circumference!
The sad part about her being so low in my pelvis is that we couldn't get any clear pictures of her face - she kept burying it into the wall of my uterus and turning away from us. We caught a few yawns and finger sucks on the monitor, but not on film. This was the only image we could get, and she doesn't really look like either hubby OR me in it. She does seem to be growing some chubby cheeks, though - and the sonographer kept commenting on how much hair she saw. At 34+3, baby's approximate weight is 2.5kg, so hopefully she stays nice and average. :)
I was a little disappointed not to get the typical, gorgeous 3D screen cap of our baby, but I guess she's just keeping us guessing until her birthday - what she'll look like {or who!} is anyone's guess. :)

4 Comments • Labels: ,  


K said...

I actually love that pic! I think I can see a little bit of J there, but maybe I'm just doing a lot of squinting ;)

Lisa C said...

Interesting that your fundal size and the baby size are so far off. Glad she's on track, though!

Non Sequitur Chica said...

Does she look like the mailman? ;-)

I'm sure that it's hard to really see what they look like while in utero- this way you guys will be surprised when she finally makes her appearance!

Jenny said...

That's strange your fundal height is so off. Just goes to show that not everything is an exact science. It'll be so fun to actually see her when she arrives. We never did a 3d ultrasound (my husband thought they were creepy) so it was a total surprise when he came out.

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