You know you're in London when;
You manage to trip over your own feet whilst walking up the stairs inside the tube station, spectacularly falling forwards on your hands whilst simultaneously smacking your shins against the metal floor and making a loud grunting noise on impact... and the people behind you simply divert their path and walk around your awkardly sprawled out on the dirty floor body without even giving you a second glance.
Not that this happened to me today or anything, oh no. Although I do have a whopping great bruise on my leg, as well as my ego. I wonder where those came from.
How was your day today?
Tuesday 26 February 2008
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Blog 365
Aw, I totally fell on ice and landed on my but a few weeks ago :( Poor you.
That is horrible. My day today sucks so far. I'm hoping it picks up.
Aw that is never fun. I have definitely had my fair share of falls though...
Hope your day gets better :)
oh, yikes!
Ouch. At least they didn't look? Hee. I've done that, including the "making a loud grunting noise on impact." It's a sucky week so far but I'm trying to laugh it off.
Oh you poor thing! That just stinks. I had that happen last year walking to work, and I think my ego hurt worse than my knee.
Oh no, that's awful!! The same thing happened to my sister in NYC about a year and a half ago, and she still has an egg shaped lump on her shin where she made contact with the stairs. Ouch!
I hope you manage to stay upright for the rest of the day :)
Ouch hope you feel better soon! Welcome to my world of falling in London! sorry your fellow commuters were such a******s! Arnica is good to help bring the bruises out.
Seeya hugya *G*
That is so something I've done. And I've probably stepped over a few people as well.
Feel better!
Surprisingly, I did NOT trip today, although I do it frequently. Ouch.
Oh no! That totally happened to me once, except I was in high school and I tripped because there was water on the hallway floor and my three-inch platform flip flops (don't ask) gave out on me. I laid there and wished I had died, because we all know how mortifying high school is already, haha.
Apparently I was not in London today. But falling is awful (I do enough of it)! I hope you're ok!
I once fell over after walking through my front door... I landed on my arse on a power board, my shoulder dented the wall, and my other shoulder almost pushed the tv off of it's stand.
Oh .. it's great to fall! Especially when it's elaborate.
But london sounds rude... did no one even stop to ask if you were okay?
the younger kidlet pooped on the potty, so my day was great! :)
HUG I'm so sorry, that's no way to start the day.
That totally sounds like something I would do.
In fact, I'm so clumbsy that in the two and a bit months I've been at my new job, I've been called Hopalong, Cripple, and Stumbles. And probably a few other things.
I hope your leg and your ego feel better soon! xx
Oh no, how awful - and how doubly awful that no one stopped to help :(
If it makes you feel any better no one would have stopped in Sydney either.
Except me of course - the good citizen I am hahaha
ohhh poor baby - did you cry ???
remember when i fell in St Marys adn everyone thought i was a drug addict cos it was near the 'not so nice' place. And you wouldn't help me either LOL "get up mum - get up" !!!!! even though i'd broken my leg !!!!
Am I allowed to laugh at you? Because I just did.
Ouch, that smarts.
I think you could also have been in New York when that happened. Not that I would know. ::hums::
Don't worry that doesn't just happen in London...
It happens in Boston and NYC too.
Know what's uncanny? My post started out quite similarly today, only I said you know you live in Oregon when. Also, I have a gigantic bruise on my knee from falling this weekend. Haven't tripped and fallen in class yet tho (today) give me time, I'm wearing higher heels than normal.
Gaaaah, so sorry honey! I slipped on the ice and have a massive bruise on my elbow... and the guy across the street just laughed at me. People suck, in SLC and London.
Love you girly!
I was half a second from falling as I was running to make the bus(that I missed anyway) but the rest of my day was fine =)
i fell, luckily my car broke my fall, but it was still embarassing. i hope your day ended better than it began!
This happened to me not long ago. What happened to people being concerned about others? I would have helped you up dear and then sent you on your way with a cookie to lighten the pain.
Ohh, bruises on the shins are the worst! I think they hurt more than anywhere else.
fucking funny.
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