The Best Birthday Gift Ever

This text message:

'Good news! 3 eggs have fertilised normally. We have booked an embryo transfer appointment for you on 4/8/12 at the fertility clinic. See you then!'
3/3! J's second sample must have been super swimmers. Now to keep praying that we get some holding out until Saturday... we're going for our first ever five-day transfer. (That makes my tummy a little nervous.)
This makes turning 28 that little bit sweeter. Oh, thank the heavens. Please keep growing, wee embies.

31 Comments • Labels: , , , ,  


JoAnn (The Casual Perfectionist) said...

Yay!! Fingers crossed!! (And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!)

Cady said...

I'm so happy for you! I needed to hear some good news today. :) Will be hoping/praying they continue to grow, grow, grow and become a sticky baby!

Shelley @ tales from the waiting room said...

YAY YAY YAY! Such good news. An early birthday present to you c/o your three embryos. :)

Novella said...

That's great news! Fingers crossed for you xox
Happy birthday!

Alana said...


So happy to hear this!!!!! Happy birthday, lovely!!!

Mrs. Higrens said...

What wonderful news!

(As an American, I had to reread the date a couple of times to understand that they don't actually plan to do the transfer on April 8th.)

A Happy Happy Birthday to you!!!

Just T said...

Fantastic news!

Lya said...

Wohooo!!!! This is amazing!
I know I've said it a couple times already but: Congratulations - and happy birthday!
Sending lots of love for you and your embies.

Katelin said...

so much happiness for you!! yay your birthday and yay this text!!

Sharon said...

Happy Birthday! Praying/crossing fingers/sending good vibes your way!

Sweet Mama M said...

Oh my giddy aunt - best news I've heard today! I've got my fingers, toes and eyes crossed for you (probably shouldn't drive in that state)and your little birthday embies!

Ann_a_reader said...

What a gift! Happy Birthday!

Julia said...

Happy birthday! I'm crossing my fingers for you :)

Anonymous said...

YAAAAY! Come on embies!

Mrs. V said...

Happy birthday hun!!!! Sending positive vibes your way and keeping my fingers crossed!!!!

Kristie W. said...

What a wonderful birthday gift!! Fingers crossed for everything to continue to go well. Happy Birthday!

Hapa Hopes said...

HOORAY!!! Hooray hooray HOORAY! What a great gift! Happy birthday!

Lacey Bean said...

Eeek fingers crossed!!!!! :)

Liz said...

Great news and happy birthday!! I'm surprised they are going for a 5 day but they are the professionals and that's why we pay them so much.

Lori said...

Yay! the same exact thing happened with my husband, and he had to give a second specimen. :)

Megan said...

Ah, so thrilled for you! What a great birthday gift. :)

Bonnie Joy said...

Grow embies, grow!!! So happy that you have some good news today.

Jess said...

YAY! I'm so glad that something about this cycle is FINALLY going right for you guys! I hope it's a sign of more good news to come! EVERYTHING crossed for a take-home baby!

Angela Noelle said...

That's awesome news! We only had three fertilize and ended up with a 3 day transfer and things still turned out perfectly, so I have VERY high hopes for you and your 5dt :) Thinking of you.

Cassie Dash said...

That's fantastic! So happy for your good news. Keeping my fingers crossed! And happy birthday!!!

sass @ (In)fertility Unexplained said...

Congratulations and happy birthday!!!

Viv said...

That's fantastic news! Fingers crossed for Saturday!
And happy birthday, Aly!

heidikins said...

Eeep!! Yay!!! Best Birthday present ever!


dspence said...


CBrain said...

What an full on text but great all the same. I'm sending your womb great vibes to make a nice home for them.

Elley @ Up Above The World So High said...

SUCH great news!!!! I'm sending soooo many happy/baby thoughts!

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