7 weeks + 6 days

We're nearly at 8 weeks - in just a few more hours, in fact. This is good. Every week is a new milestone, and I relax a tiny bit as the weeks go on. Can you believe that I've known about our little blob for over a month now?

I'm feeling pretty good. Still the occasional bout of head-spinning nausea, but no real morning sickness or heartburn. The backaches and cramping are still hanging around, and I'm either completely starving or I'm off food altogether. In fact, if I hadn't seen the heart beating on the ultrasound last week, I'd feel perfectly normal.
I do feel like I've become a bit of a recluse, though. I've been so bone-tired all the time, that the only thing that sounds appealing is coming home and lying down. It's also been hard with friends, because I've not told many of them that we're pregnant yet - and hanging out & keeping this secret is way too hard to do. Plus, not everyone is interested in hanging out and listening to a {slightly over excited} pregnant lady ramble, and I get that. It's just hard, and a little bit lonely.
Jase has been amazing, even though he has been lumped with the jobs that I just haven't had the energy to do. I'm just waiting for a second wind of energy and hoping it comes soon, so I can give the poor guy a break.
Two more weeks of work {until we get a fortnight for spring break} and I am counting down those 10 work days. It's bad, but I am just so.. not with it. It's almost as though I've mentally checked out, like all my energies have turned inwards, and I'm floating through the days. Is that common, so early on?
In the meantime, I'm staring at our ultrasound pictures constantly & praying that our blob is happy in there - and hopefully busy growing fingers and toes and an appendix, and all those other vital body parts! :)

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Alana said...

First ultrasound down, hooray! Happy to hear all went well. I have to say, I think it's amazing that you're actually able to go to work and be pregnant-tired simultaneously. I've been clocking about 10-12 hours a night, PLUS an afternoon nap, and when I'm awake, it's just to anticipate my next snooze. Pat yourself on the back! You are doing great :)

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