9 weeks + 5 days

To my ICLW peeps - welcome! Thanks for stopping by. You can see a bit of our TTC timeline down the right hand side of the blog main-page, but in summary.. after two rounds of IVF, we're pregnant! It feels unreal to say that, and we're still in the first trimester, but .. here we are. Wishing you the best of luck wherever you're up to in your own cycles.

So.. I'm <   thiiiiiiiis   > close to double digits. I can almost taste them!

I was starting to get really anxious about the obstetrician visit next week - what if something's happened since the 7 week scan? What if the baby has stopped growing? What if the heartbeat can't be found? What if he harps on at me about my weight? What if, what if, what if?

It's a bit silly, but I tend to be an over-thinker at the best of times, so I can't say I'm surprised that I'm worried. I'm so glad hubby is coming with me to this appointment - I'm praying the OB will do a scan so that we can see the baby, since Jase can't make it to our 12 week NT ultrasound.

So, I'm bloaty mcbloaterson right now, and it's not pretty. Being overweight to start with is kind of awkward, because I have this fear that I'll never actually 'look' pregnant, or get to enjoy the lovely baby bump experience in the same way as other people do. I'll keep on taking weekly pictures, and hope that over the coming months, the pregnancy might become a little more visible.

I took advantage of an Old Navy sale {even though forking out $40 for international delivery kind of sucks} and have ordered some nice, stretchy summer clothes. Hopefully that will tide me over for a while.

I recently bought a Doppler off Ebay. I saw some super expensive ones, and had given up on the idea of getting one - but then saw a bargain for a brand new one at $20, so snapped it up. I tried it last week and didn't hear anything.

Yesterday, in the middle of the aforementioned panic-attack about baby not being okay, I decided to try again. And... I think I found it! It's very faint, but it's under my belly roll, so I'm not surprised. Jase wanted to hear it, so I tried again - and found it in the same spot. It's under my belly button, to the left. We did it again this morning, just to be sure - and there it was. I'm breathing now. And have two heartbeats inside of me! :)

6 Comments • Labels:  


Anonymous said...

I have a love-hate relationship with the doppler. I was 10 weeks before I even picked up a heartbeat at ALL, and it wasn't until 14-15 weeks where I could pick it up consistently. My previous doctor suspected I had a blighted ovum (they said my ovulation dates were off...turns out I was right) and after I switched docs and heart the heartbeat, I was OBSESSED with the doppler because I was so paranoid. I'm almost 31 weeks pregnant now and it's no wonder I had a hard time finding the heartbeat---baby girl is WILD. The doctors even comment about how she's super active. I'm sure your baby is flipping around deep in his/her cozy womb and you just can't catch it!

CBrain said...

I saw my Ob at 8 weeks. I had the appointment from months ago...it was the follow up to see how the clomid was going. He did a scan...which I wasn't expecting. I didn't have much in my bladder which made it harder for him to get a hearbeat....but thank god he did. I went to Rivers yesterday, they have some pretty good stretchy stuff. They also have long tops. Some is a bit daggy but some is okay, especially for the price.

Unknown said...

Hello from ICLW! So happy to see that your second IVF worked! Praying that this pregnancy continues to be happy and healthy for you (as much as it can be...lol...we IFers worry way to much!) My hubby and I will be attempting IVF #2 in May and I'm praying like crazy it works. You give me hope!


Audrey said...

I pretty much LIVED in Old Navy maternity clothes last summer. I hope they're as good to you as they were to me!

Elizabeth said...

I know I'm going to buy a doppler when I get pregnant again. I think it's important for your mental peace of mine! I can't wait til you're in the double digits, I know it's an awesome milestone :)

Jess said...

You WILL look pregnant. I promise! You might be a bit bigger than you prefer but you are not enormous or anything, and I've seen women WAY larger than you who were clearly pregnant. For that matter, I'M much bigger than you and I was noticeably pregnant starting toward the middle of the second trimester. You will be too! And it will be glorious.

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