So, a few weeks ago, I was a little defeated with how our sleep training has been going. Thankfully, I have some updates on that front - and much better ones, I might add. We went cold turkey again, with Georgia in her own bedroom. There were a few tough days at first, we timed ourselves before going into the room, but most importantly, we did it together - now that hubby is working from home, we could both give it our full attention. Previously, she was very dependent on ME doing everything, and wouldn't even calm down when Jase would pick her up. After a tough week or so, she started showing signs that she was learning what to do. Victory came from every resettle that hubby did, without me there - and honestly, it's been a few weeks now, and there are days where she does so much better sleeping for him than for me! Little minx. :)
Georgia now sleeps in her cot all the time. She's in a sleeping bag with no blankets, since it's already been hitting 40o here in Sydney (celcius, folks, omg, hot) & she has a comforter bunny that she cuddles/bashes at will. She does still use a dummy, but that's not an issue for us at this stage. We give her a cuddle and a rock in the chair, look for tired signs, and pop her in the cot. I'd say we're at 50/50 for the reactions we get once she's in the cot, and it depends a lot on her mood and how tired she is. 50% of the time, she'll scream and scream and need resettling. 50% of the time, she'll roll over & get herself to sleep. We're working on being consistent, but overall, she's doing so much better. We've gone from constant wake ups, to sleep throughs. And we've gone from three-four rubbish daytime naps, to two better ones. They aren't always long, but I consider it a victory if she goes down for >1 hour. So proud of her. We are sleeping better at night, too. I didn't realise how much tiptoeing around we were doing once she'd gone to bed.
Sunday 22 December 2013
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What a cutie - she's getting so big! I'll need to read through your posts on sleep training - we're getting close to needing K in her own bed at night. Merry Christmas!
Hi from ICLW! Although I don't know much about sleep training or anything, I had to comment to say how beautiful your little girl is! What a sweetie! Merry Christmas to you and your family!
I' glad sleep training is doing better. I can't believe that both of us have babies and will be celebrating their first holidays this year! Georgia is looking so big and adorable these days!
Hi from ICLW (#19). Your daughter is gorgeous and looks just like you. So sweet. I have 5 month old twins and so completely understand the sleep issue.
Hi from ICLW! I count myself lucky if my son sleeps more than 30 minutes at a time during the day! =)
Enjoy your first Christmas with your adorable baby girl!
Merry Christmas!
she is beautiful!
i miss Nanna too xoxoxo
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