All About Aly: The Revised Edition.

Hrm, what to blog about today?

I could blog about the fact that I'm the wimpiest eater on the planet, with a mild green curry resulting in me pulling lots of strange faces while Jason looked at me blankly.

I could blog about how we finally have a dvd player and how excited that makes me.

I could blog about how I had good intentions of using one of my London Walk cards to explore somewhere in the city today, but due to some city tubes being out of order and my overall laziness, never got around to it. Perhaps next weekend? We'll see!

But instead, I thought I would do something I've been meaning to change since arriving here - revamping my 100 things list. If you're new to these digs, or if you're just plain bored, feel free to check it out. Let me know if I've forgotten to add anything.

Aly's 100 Things - Check them out!

16 Comments • Labels: ,  


Jamie said...

Yay for new dvd players. Mine broke and my boyfriend just bought me a new one!

Jess said...

You are ambitious--I still haven't gotten around to doing a first list of 100 things, much less revamping it. Have fun with your new DVD player!

Ree said...

I've been lazy today too. As are all the pets. ;-)
Shortman says Hi to one of his favorite Aussies.

The Casual Perfectionist said...

*here's a ton of chocolate*

Okay, now that that is out of the way. I'd like to know how you and Jason met. Feel free to email me. Your secrets are safe with me. (And, for what it's worth, my hubby picked me up at a bar.) ;)

Oh, and I always called him 'my other half' when we were living together/dating. :)

Great list!

Margaret said...

Your header doesn't show up in my reader so I think this is the first I've seen it.  It's looks really good.

Elisabeth said...

I'm a wimpy eater too. I still haven't eaten pickles and tomatoes.

Erin said...

I loved the London Walk cards! Ted and I had great fun using them to explore. But just be warned that those distances on the cards are longer than they look!

Katie said...

Nice - you've moved to the other side of the world yet you still are able to blog daily and update 100 things lists! I'm jealous! :D

Larissa said...

Cheers to #82. It's so good to hear a woman say that. I like mine too :)

brandy said...

I'm lazy today too. I would blame this coincidence on the weather but since we live on different continents it doesn't really fit. As for being a wimpy eater? Yeah. I'm just going to 'ditto' that.

Kelley said...

cheater. ;)

But it is a good reminder to check it out and to re -read my own and make sure there is nothing bad in there seeing MPS has discovered my blog is not about housework *snort*!!

rye said...

I was lazy all weekend, too! But thanks for the reminder - I need to update some of my stuff, too. And I'm going to end every sentence with "too." :)

Unnaturally Blonde said...

I admire your motivation, especially in a brand new home :-) And don't worry I think I'm a wimpy eater too, I got a tiny drop of wasabi on my sushi and practically threw the whole thing out in fear of the hottness spreading!

Jenny said...

You were born in the 80's! You're so young!

Kristabella said...

I'm a wimpy eater too. My friend calls it being a "food racist" because she only eats American food, i.e. hamburgers and fries.

Lazy weekends are the best!

Kat said...

Sing Star rulez! I love learning new stuff about you and about the wimpy eater husband is a wimoy eater and not to discriminate etc. but it is freakin' hard to cook for you guys *lol*

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