Apparently we're in the midst of another public delurkification, a day which brings joy to bloggers everywhere as they awake to find comments streaming into their humble inboxes. Having said that, it's completely plausible that I'm only talking about myself here - after all, not all of you are as nerdy as I am when it comes to blogging. And heck, some of you even have lives!* Ah well. I'm comfortable embracing my inner dork.
Speaking of dorks though, that leads me the topic of the day - because all good delurkification blogs should entice their readers with a thought provoking totally lame question. Today's mission, should you choose to accept it (and I'm sure that you will!) is to holler at me in the comments - answer the following question, and amuse us all:
What's the dorkiest thing you've ever said or done?
If the question alone isn't enough to get you gas-bagging, I can always take the 'guilt trip' approach. How 'bout I remind you of how how lonely I am here in this freezing cold country, with all of my friends thousands of miles away? Or, I could tell you that everytime I see my Gmail light up, I get a warm and fuzzy feeling that makes the loneliness float away in the gentle breeze gail-force winds.
Did it work? Are your insides weakening, and your fingers taking you towards the 'comment' button? Or do I have to work on the art of persuasian a little more? A girl's gotta try. Happy delurking day, everyone. I'm off to do some delurking of my own.
*I jest with the sarcasm, I am loving life at the moment, though I admit that during this first week of work the last thing I've felt like doing was getting out there and exploring this fine city. I think that my sightseeing list will have to wait until the weekends.
Friday 11 January 2008
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Bloggity Blog Blog
Hmmm, that's a good question. It depends on what you consider dorky. Some would say that my obsession with blogs is dorky. Some would say my obsessions with reality TV is dorky.
I'm going to have to go with the fact that I tear up at the end of every Full House episode. And I don't even know if you know what I'm talking about! :)
Or that when I was taking to Jen Lancaster the last time I saw her I said "I told my mom that I don't understand why you'd want to be my friend!"
Bah, I cannot think of dorky things I did without dying of embarassment. My mom just reminded me of how, when I was a kid, I would pronounce "pounds" as "libs." Thanks :)
Man, I don't think of myself as a dork so it's hard to remember. Possibly creating a website in high school that showcased my ever-so-brilliant angsty poetry and bleak photography?
I do so many dorky things, I'd shame myself if I attempted to list it all down. Happy delurking day!
well aren't you a doll. Hope this little comment brightens your day.
well i was just called a "nerd" by a coworker because i knew what a vector file of our logo meant. ah the computer geek lingo.
I am a complete dork, but perhaps the dorkiest thing I ever did was supply my Spanish teacher with our textbook when she forgot to bring hers to class. I never lived that one down.
I most certainly am a huge dork, I mean, I can read HTML after all! But coming up with a specific example is pretty tough. The best I really came up with is that I can actually explain to you how Google works. Scary huh? That and I cry every time Noelle beats me at Scrabulous.
Dork is my middle name my dear.
Dorkiest thing ever though? whew. That is a toughie. Skipping through the office just because, EVERY day.Yes, I am that person. Does that count?
aww! i totally relate to that feeling of just arriving and waiting by the emailbox and wondering why no one from back home has written DAMMIT. it was depressing enough arriving in springtime but for you in the middle of this cold and darkness... you are coping fabulously :)
I did a karate kick yesterday when I was alone in the elevator. At work. I hope they have cameras.
How did I miss this delurking week this year? Is Friday too late to implement?
I think the better question is to ask what I do that is NOT dorky. Then I would be hard-pressed to come up with something. But for the question you did ask, I'll say that I love "Perfect Strangers." Oh, Balki, and your dance of joy, I never tire of you.
Janssen, I still say "libs" in my head before translating to pounds. It's a stupid abbreviation!
Hmmmm...maybe grinning like a huge jackass and staring down John Stamos when I met him in New Orleans. I was star-shocked.
There aren't enough hours in the day to describe the dorkiest things I've done. So, I'll just be a bit naughty and say, "My hubby!" HA. Sorry. Couldn't resist. :p
Boyfriend calls me a dork when I start organizing things. I get more excited reading an organizing book than a fashion magazine.
As I have had not one person delurk yet, I think my question may not be working.
As to yours... I am a huge dork. I think it's impossible to whittle it down to one thing. I embrace my dorkitude though.
The husband likes to remind me of when I was so busy looking at him that I tripped over an ottoman and fell on my ass. That's pretty damn dorky.
I'm not sure if I could pin one moment in time down or not...there's probably a ton of them. I do remember one time as a kid (probably 10-12 yo) wandering into the wrong change room at the public swimming pool and commencing to disrobe to change without looking around. What was a lot of people talking and making noise quickly turned to silence and I felt the heat of stares on me as I slowly stopped, turned, and freaked out at all the women in various states of undress surrounding me.
Does getting a Paladin to Level 60 in World of Warcraft, at the age of 45, count as dorky? I'm thinking it does.
I broke the handlebars upon landing.
Hmmmm. Too many to count. When I was little, I used to ride my "Big Wheel" tricycle round and round on our back deck. At the time - 1970's - yes I'm old - there were no laws that said you had to have deck railings. As I passed the sliding glass doors, I used to glance over at my reflection. Glanced a little too long one time and sailed off the deck, was airborn for a good while and crashed into the boxwoods.
Gosh, I am such a dork that I am having a hard time thinking of just one thing.
There was the time I made eye contact with my crush on campus and then proceeded to walk towards him for a bit, then trip, fall and HIT A TREE WITH MY BODY. He stopped walking towards me and TURNED AROUND.
Oh I even remember what I was wearing.
I suppose everything I say about Veronica Mars is dorky too.
Really? Another de-lurking day? What the?!?
I once asked a guy at church if I could have his baby. I meant the cute one that he and his wife had just had, but it sounded like I was inviting him to bed with me.
for reals? it's always SOME sort of blogging day.\
i would probably say i'm uber dorky whenever i talk about my cats.
also i was a valedictorian. ha.
I think the dorkiest thing I've ever done is my most recent blog post.
oh wow. it's hard to narrow down to just one...haha. how about the time when i INSISTED on wearing my cute flats even though one of the heels came off, thereby making them very slippery. and what did i do that evening? slip on the sidewalk and get a great big gash on my knee. the price i pay for fashion. sigh.
I'm a dork all the time. My blog is proof.
I just wanted to comment to say i love you, haha.
Since I'm not a lurker (I'm a commenter!) do I have to answer this question? 'Cause, for real - there are TOO MANY dorky moments to pick from!
When I told one of my staff members that if his wife couldn't go on the trip he was just awarded for outstanding service I would go instead.
The guy works for me. I gave him the award.
[[blush]] (and you know it takes a lot to make me blush.
I"m in science, so everything I do is certifiably dorky. Enjoying your blog, and hope you settle in nicely!
Wow, there are so many it is really hard to pick a favorite!!!!
When I was stressed out this fall, I relaxed by getting a pedicure while reading a biography of Robert F. Kennedy.
I have never done anything dorky in my life. Never.
I once told my friend that I was "A wizard at math". Out loud. Among other friends.
I'd say my whole life is pretty dorky... Maybe the fact that my in-laws call me a 'spock' is a clear giveaway.(Im not sure if they actually know what theyre tlking about tho)
Also, I love paying bills and working out my budget. Like, really love. Hahahaha!
Oh - did I mention Im a scrapbooker?? I think thats pretty dorky! lol!
I totally didn't realize that it was delurking day! Oh well.
And I'm with Audrey...I've never done anything dorky. Never, ever, ever.
Hello! I think this is the first time I've checked out your blog, and I'm happy that I checked it out on this post. Perfect for me, because I say a lot of dumb things. A lot.
But one of the bests went something like this:
My boyfriend and I were waiting to pick my mom up from her work, since her car was being fixed. While we were waiting out front in my car, we saw a blind man walking out of the building. I felt bad for him trying to find his way, not being able to see and all. I asked my boyfriend, "Do you think that blind people get handicap plaques for their cars? Because it must be awfully hard for them to find their cars if they can't park right up front."
It took me a minute to realize what I had said since blind people can't drive, and my boyfriend immediately started laughing and making fun of my seriously, dumb moment.
When am I not dorky, really? I can't think of just one occasion.
Love you, moo. I miss you!
I love very dorky sci fi shows and movies. They really awesome, and I think everyone else is seriously missing out.
My favorite pre-bedtime activities are sudoku puzzles and electronic Yahtzee - is that dorky enough for you?
seriously? if you add lurkers to your already huge pile of commenters, you'll be getting 50+ per post pretty soon! i'm so jealous of you and your awesomeness! spread some love my way! :-P
I have a terribly dorky habit of saying "oh yeah, that was in the law and order episode when..." at completely innappropriate times. Like, in meetings at work. Oops.
In the winter, I wear a dorky red plaid knit hat around the house. (But it really helps me stay warm!)
Hey this is Ashlie here! And? Everything I do is dorky. You wouldn't know by looking but once I open my mouth I'm totally screwed....
Hmmm, I'm sure I do dorky things all the time and don't even realize it. That is the sad part.
Haha I am just like you, I LOVE getting comments! They seriously brighten my day to no end. I am such a dork.
*continues to lurk*
have you seen my blog about my love of stationery? yep....*points to self* dork :D
I seem to live my life in a dorky fashion. If it is dorky, then I have probably done it.
I am a dork. Nuff said. I also have frequent blonde moments, I'm a real joy to be around if you need a pick me up.
Also, is delurking only for today?
Dorky thing of the day that I did = randomly obcess over my blog look, header and even name. Gob!
Well, you know I am reading your blog. Somehow those delurking posts never work on my blog. I guess either no one reads it or they want to stay anonymous. ;)
So this de-lurking stuff... how do you know when it's coming around? I have some lurkers I'd like to de-lurk ;-)
One dorky thing I do....
Wear cowboy hats and talk like a yokel.
saahnds lyke a countreh soowng.
good times.
Anyway, you know I'm not a lurker. I stalk you through just about every method of communication.
You know I read, but probably the most dorky thing about me is that I arrange my clothes in my closet by color order first and then by length of sleeve order. Pants are a whole other story.
Am a boob!
I'm commenting because I want to, not because you asked. I'll always comment when I can.
I'd love to delurk but I'm too embarrassed of all the stupid things I've said!
I am sorry to say I am a Gilmore Girls dork, I have the first 5 seasons on DVD and have to confess that I am excited, yes excited, to be soon purchasing seasons 6-7. I can also get a wee bit anal about how books are arranged on bookshelves (genre, sub genre,author etc)but I consider that normal which probably means that that is the dorkiest thing of all. Oh, and all this blogging obviously. Now a blog dork ;)
I'm a dork all around, straight out, crazy ass, dork. With sweet ass clothes and crazy earrings that make me look "cool", so I'm in disguise. ;)
So Hi! I'm Delurking!
Wow - I should try this delurking idea. 55 comments!!!! Wouldn't I LOVE to have a post that got that many comments. :-)
As for dorky - when someone told me that gullible was taken out of the dictionary I responded with a rather surprised "has it?" Doh!!!! They don't call me Lightening for nothing!
Commenting to say hi, even though I usually don't, because that's what they made a fun button for!
(And I'm too dorky to pick just one thing) :)
I'm pretty darn dorky so it's hard to find a particular moment to take the cake, but I do recall once blogging about an evening at home that Nick and I had. We were putting together a jigsaw puzzle, watching the spelling bee on TV and drinking root beer floats.
To be quite honest though, that is pretty representative of most of our nights at home.
Everything I do contains an element of dorkiness, because dorkiness (at least my interpretation of it) is rarely something specifically related to one area of your life, it is more like a mindset. I am a literature dork, a language dork, a lingerie dork, a shoe dork, a food dork, a film dork... If I'm going to do something, I'm going to do it properly, and that means I acquire a dorky amount of knowledge about many things otherwise considered 'un-dorky', like for example fashion.
To me, it's all about 'knowing more', and while I know more than most people my age about linguistics, mathematics and literature, I also know more than most about lingerie, shoe design, coffee and make-up application techniques.
And you know what? I'm proud of it. Because I believe everyone needs a little dork in their lives - and if it's not in them already, I'm happy to be that little dork!
You know ... I couldn't think of the dorkiest thing I've said if I tried, hahaha. It's kind of a re-occurring issue.
Thanks for stopping by my blog, btw!!
I'm late, and not really a lurker, but hello!
There isn't enough time in one day to say all the dorky things I've done and said, so let's just leave it at "I am and always have been a terrible dork."
Am totally late. Am still commenting. love your face, love your blog, love you!
Hi _ I'm totally late, too. However, I cannot possibly choose THE DORKIEST thing I've ever said or done, as there are so many, I wouldn't know where to begin. But, just last year, I was in NYC with my friend Scotty. We were walking around and weren't sure if we were heading in the right direction, so I stopped a policeman and asked for directions....and then said, "Thank you! And thank you for keeping our city safe."
The dorkiest thing? Dude, I am always doing dorky things.
Maybe the time, minutes after giving birth, I insisted I call my boss to tell him the news. Didn't call my dad. My sister. My brother. Nope, I called my boss.
It was the drugs.
Finally catchin' up on the blogreading :) Glad to hear you are in London okay.
OK - dorkiest thing I ever said - well there are many, but this still has me giggling. When my non-ex H. called to tell me and said "I Love You" for the first time - my response "Backatcha".
Somehow I feel like that would be fodder for a Friends episode. *LOL*
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