Baby #2 - Week 20

Bring on the second half of pregnancy!

How far along: 20 weeks + 3 days

How big is baby? So instead of measuring from crown to rump, baby can now be measured from head to toe - so all of a sudden, she seems a lot bigger. The size of a banana, wow!

Image credit here

Sleep: The nights have just started getting colder {finally - Autumn, where have you been?} and that means nice, snuggly nights under the blankets.

Symptoms: Not a lot this week. Things have been fairly quiet, except for the discharge. Ew.

Best moment of this week: I filled out the hospital pre-admission forms, and now wait to be called for our official check-in and orientation. Do we really get to have a baby in a hospital this year?

Miss anything: Still with the scalding hot baths.

Movement: Sadly, it's still pretty much non-existent. I did fall asleep on my stomach last night, and wake up to one, two, three little ninja jabs - maybe I was squishing her? Nothing since, though.

Food cravings: Salt and vinegar chips, please.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing this week, feeling pretty much normal!

Gender: Girl!!

How's your mood? I'm back to being a little bit flat. Happy to be into Week 20, hopeful that baby girl is doing ok in there, sad that my belly isn't as obvious because of my usual pudge, nervous that baby isn't moving as much as she should be.

Looking forward to: Getting through another week, since I have an OB booked in for next week.

The Bump: Not a great deal of change this week. Also... pasty.

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Jess said...

You look great! I hope the second half of this pregnancy sails by for you.

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