5 weeks + 1 day

It feels like we've been in the 'ridiculously early pregnant phase' forever - in reality, it's only been a few short weeks. Each time I hit a new week, I feel relieved. Period? Nope. Cramping? Yep. Okay! Let's celebrate the small stuff.

We told the in-laws this weekend, and they were really happy for us. My parents have been great, as have my work colleagues. If you're wondering, YES, they already know - they supported us through our two IVF journeys, and it was only natural that they'd start asking questions about Round 2. Thankfully, they know it's early, and are keeping lovely and quiet about things. I work with 99% women, so they're great for advice, too.
I wish I could tell you that I'm starting to have full blown pregnancy symptoms, but things are still cruising along. Boobs are not sore in the slightest, I've not been sick yet {although the smell of steak cooking indoors was enough to make me sit out the back and breathe in fresh air until it was done}, and I only cramp every now and again. I'm peeing like a racehorse, but probably because I'm being really good about drinking my water every day.
The biggest one is the tiredness. I wish I could explain the kind of tiredness it is - it's constant. I sleep early, in bed by 9pm most nights, but I wake up feeling exhausted. I'm tired when I get to work. I'm tired when I'm at work. I'm tired when I get home from work. I'm tired, and lazy, and don't feel like cooking dinner. Tonight was the first time in weeks that I've cooked a full meal, and now that it's done? I'm ready for bed.
Our first ultrasound {at 7 weeks} is booked in for exactly a fortnight from today. I'm crossing everything that the little one is growing nicely and is exactly where it should be. I was a ball of stress this time last week; right now, I'm feeling resigned and much calmer. There's nothing I can do to change things, so I'm getting by one day at a time. I hate that infertility has made me instantly worry about every little thing that's happening, but we just have to keep on swimming. It's all we can do.
Oh! And my fertility clinic has upped my dosage of progesterone pessaries - joy! I was taking 200mg twice daily, and now I'm up to 400mg twice daily. Hold on to your hat, hubby. And remember that I love you! :)
If you're stopping by from ICLW, hi! I'm feeling like the luckiest girl in the world right now, as our 2nd IVF cycle has taken - we're in the early days yet, but trying to keep positive. It's lovely to meet you!

23 Comments • Labels: ,  


Hotpotatokate said...

Your symptoms sound just like mine at 5 weeks. That TIREDNESS, oh the tiredness.

The next two weeks will drag on, but also fly by- fingers crossed for a gorgeous little blob and steady little flicker.

Angela Noelle said...

I never had any morning sickness and oh, it was glorious :) It is a bit disconcerting to not really have any symptoms though. Other than the massive IVF bloating and exhaustion, I really didn't feel pregnant until around 13 or 14 weeks when I finally started to get my bump. Here's hoping you're another one of the lucky ones who manages to avoid the nausea though!

Michelle said...

Congratulations on getting pregnant!!! I am here for ICLW.

I hope to be in the same boat as you by December. I start my suppression cycle around September 1st.


heidikins said...

Still so very happy for you!


Emilie said...

I think being so tired is a great sign!! Your body is busy growing that little baby! :) xoxo

Alana said...

Yay! Reading these little updates makes me happy :)

I am actually currently nine weeks, and this post was basicaly a transcription of my own mind when I was five weeks. I even said to Matt, "I kind of wish I felt sick or something so I could feel a little more pregnant." DO NOT SAY THAT. At 7 weeks (just after our first ultrasound) the morning/all-day sickness hit and it has yet to let up. I practically sleep all day and during the little spurts of awake time I am sick as a dog. I don't even necessarily feel any more pregnant either, just kind of perpetually miserable and praying it lets up once the first trimester passes!

I will be crossing my fingers that you didn't piss off the nausea gods like I did and that you get to sail through this morning sickness free!

Rachel / High Wire said...

Sounds just like where I was at 5 weeks! Don't you worry, those sore boobs and morning sickness is on the way...it hit me at 6 weeks.

Cassie Dash said...

I had the sore boobs very, very early, but never any of the tiredness, and all the rest of my symptoms started around five and a half or six weeks. I'm sure they're just around the corner for you! And I know this early stage drags and seems to never end...but looking back, you'll probably ponder about how fast it passed. I'm hoping time speeds up for your soon! Thinking of you.

Lya said...

I'm still so happy for you!!!!! Happy ICLW :)

JoAnn (The Casual Perfectionist) said...

When I was on progesterone (at the beginning, long story...), I was INCREDIBLY tired. My doctor warned me about that. When I was off the progesterone, I was still exhausted by the end of the day, but it was more "normal first trimester exhaustion."

I was also REALLY, REALLY sick with morning sickness almost the entire 1st trimester and into the 2nd. (My doc gave me meds for the nausea, and they were AMAZING.) I'm not sure why they call it "morning" sickness, because it didn't just stay in the mornings.


I'm so happy for you guys!! Here's hoping everything goes smoothly!!

justcyclingalong said...

Yay for over 5 weeks! Hope you are lucky enough to avoid too many bad symptoms (that seems only fair after trying for so long I think!).

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm thrilled for you, lady. Really hoping that everything continues to go smoothly!

EndoJourney said...

I'm so excited for you!! And FYI I didn't have any pregnancy symptoms until about 11 weeks and even then they were very mild and transient! Hoping for a long boring pregnancy for you :)

Faith said...

Congrats from ICLW!

How exciting! I am so happy for you! Your beta numbers look great!


Candace said...

I am so very very happy for you. The tiredness is INSANE. I remember people telling me about it and thinking "yeah right!" and WOW... Working through my first pregnancy about killed me and the second time around, I was thankful that Zoey would nap with me every day! Yay yay yay for you :-)

Mrs Green Grass said...

So glad everything is going well! Your symptoms sound exactly like mine early. The peeing and tired and cramping started immediately, the rest a little slower. And I agree the beginning takes so long! Every week mark will be so amazing. 6...fabulous. 7, even better. It won't stop for awhile!! : )

Ali @ Not All Dreams Are Free said...

I'm just catching up on your blog now - and I'm so happy things are progessing nicely for you (despite the pesky tiredness).

Jamie said...

Happy ICLW and congratulations!

glitterandrainbowsglitterandrainbows.wordpress.com said...

Hi from ICLW. Congratulations! Wishing you a safe and healthy pregnancy!

Jane said...

Yay, glad to hear things are still going ok!

Trisha said...

So thrilled for you! I can't wait to hear how your ultrasound goes!

Anonymous said...

ICLW #4. Congratulations! With my first, I didn't get sick until after 8 weeks, and with my second I didn't get sick at all. But with both of them I was EXHAUSTED.

terra said...

Still so, so excited for you!

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