Blasty on Board!

This day has been INSANE. Talk about emotions being put through the ringer.
I've spent the last four days wondering how everything was going. Were our three embryos still kicking, would they make it to 5 days? I missed a call from the fertility centre yesterday at work and nearly hyperventilated, fearing the worst. Turns out they were ringing to push back our appointment time, so all was well.
I've never been to our clinic on a Saturday - it was deserted! We went in, robed up, waited for around half an hour, then were led into the transfer room. I was so excited to get and to see the television monitor with our embryo on it. And wow, did it look different from the first time around. (It was a 3-day, 8-cell.) The doctor told us it was a perfect, almost-hatching blastocyst, ready to get implanted!
We were so happy. Hubby looked thrilled, studying the chart on the wall that showed embryo development & pointing out where ours was. It was really cute. Then, the scientist appeared (the one that made me cry the other day by telling me that 'I'll get 20 eggs next time!') and asked us this:

'So, how many do you want to freeze?'

I'm sorry... what? Turns out that we have TWO FROZEN EMBRYOS!!!! That means that all 3 of our fertilised embies made it to day 5. Can you even believe it? We quite literally high-fived each other over the speculum.

I quite literally had to hold the tears in (happy ones) as the doctor transferred our blasty, and that was that. Just like last time, I waddled my way back to the car, knees together, praying it wouldn't fall out.

I know it's silly to read into things, but this cycle feels so much different to the first one. We actually have options this time, and we're doing ok. Not only that, everyone around me appears to be pregnant right now - we walked right into a group of pregnant women doing a hospital tour just before the transfer, and even our nurse at the centre was pregnant. I wonder if it's a sign? :)

Bring on the TWW!

19 Comments • Labels: , , , , ,  


Hotpotatokate said...

YAY! My fingers are firmly crossed, and I am SO HAPPY for you!

Angela Noelle said...

Hip hip hooray!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just could not stop smiling reading your extremely happy for you Jag!!! - Mrs. Lantern

Novella said...

That's wonderful news. Not only about the transfer and the 2 frozen embed but that you feel so much better this time around. Have all my fingers and toes crossed for you xox

Novella said...

Note to self - don't type comments on my iPhone :-)

L said...

So glad you and your embryo made it to transfer!!! And you have 2 to freeze, so awesome! Fingers crossed for you :)

sass @ (In)fertility Unexplained said...

I am so happy for you. What a difference from the last time. (I know how awful it is to have the first IVF go so very wrong.) Fingers crossed that your luck continues!!!

Just T said...

Your story this cycle proves that anything can happen and numbers are only numbers. I am so happy for you!

Cassie Dash said...

Awesome! Hearing your news was my first smile of the day. Hoping and praying for even better news soon!

Jess said...

Oh, this post makes me so happy! A perfect five-day nearly-hatching blastocyst! Two frozen embryos! Everything crossed that this is your cycle! Love how positive you're feeling. xo.

Ashley // Our Little Apartment said...

Oh, so hopeful for you!!

Two weeks? I have to wait TWO WEEKS?! ;) (KIdding - I'm sure it feels even longer for you!)

THIS IS IT, ALY!!!! I'm hoping and praying and wishing and thinking!!

Mrs Green Grass said...

That is such a perfect looking blast! I am so happy that you made it to Day 5 and with 2 frosties!! Best of luck in the coming weeks!!

Tia said...

What fantastic news! I really hope things work out for you this time.

Lisa said...

Great news! Are you going to test out the trigger like you did last time?

Lacey Bean said...

Fingers and toes crossed!

CBrain said...

What good little eggs! Have fun with the TWW.

Teacher Anonymous said...

Yay! That is so great! Thinking positive thoughts for you. :)

~stinkb0mb~ said...

Good luck!

heidikins said...

So awesome! Gah! I'm so happy for you!!


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