The Siren: A review

I've been reading like crazy in this TWW, and I'm so pleased to have had something to keep me occupied. I haven't left the house much either, apart from work - I've also got this ridiculous head cold that won't quit. 
One of the books that was top of my list to read was 'The Siren' by Tiffany Reisz.
A quick blurb to start things off: 
The Siren is about infamous Erotica author (and famous dominatrix) Nora Sutherlin and her one chance at getting the book of her dreams published. There is a catch however. That catch comes in the form of uptight, heartbroken, literary fiction editor Zachary Easton, who only agrees to work with Nora if he is given complete control over the fate of her book. If Nora doesn't rewrite her entire novel to Zachary's precise requirements, it's a no deal - her novel won't get published. Much to Nora's surprise (and delight), her gruelling writing sessions with Zach are not only mentally draining but also shockingly arousing.
To further stoke the flames of desire, Nora has developed feelings for her intern, and her former lover has returned, making her ask which is more tortuous - staying away from this former flame or returning to him (and his bed). Nora thought she knew everything about being pushed to her limits. But in a world where passion is pain, nothing is ever that simple.

My thoughts on the novel:
I went into this book ready to compare it to Fifty Shades of Grey. Now I'm no expert in this field of novels, but I was intrigued all the same. (And, let's face it, FSoG was a train wreck.) I found Nora to be really likeable, but also vulnerable - a genuinely interesting character. I'm not usually a fan of novels within novels, which essentially is what you're getting with 'The Siren', but this one seemed to work. It was a much better written book, with an intriguing story.
The secondary characters, Zachary, Wes & Soren, also have their own secret quirks and back-stories, all of which bounced of Nora very well. Even the erotic parts of the book made sense. They weren't repetitive (no 'foil packets' or 'inner goddesses' in sight!) and they were a darker, different kind of scene. 
I'm always wary of writing reviews and giving away too much, which is the case with this book. I was genuinely surprised by some of the plot twists, and I think you're better off going into it with an open mind. The book isn't for everyone, and it isn't mummy-porn: it's more intense - but that's what makes it work. I had no idea it was part of a trilogy, but now I'm ready to keep on reading..

The Siren will be available from 29 August online at Harlequin and in bookstores nationally for RRP AUS $19.99. There's also an upcoming Q&A with the novel's authoress coming up, if you're so inclined!

Thanks to the folks at Harlequin Australia & Morey Media for sending me a copy of The Siren to read and review.

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