I wish I was writing this post with more enthusiasm, but it's hard to be positive while feeling sad & disappointed.

My egg collection was this morning. We got 5 eggs. Out of the 12-13 spotted, of the 10 full sized ones, only 5 actually produced eggs. Looks like my ovaries don't even want to do their job during IVF.
Everyone was lovely at the surgical unit, the nurses were so great, and the group of women there for their own egg pick-ups were amazing. We chatted to pass the time, traded stories of our process, and it was just a wonderful feeling of not being alone. Unfortunately, that's where the good times stop.
I'm feeling completely wrecked after today's procedure. The IV sedation did nothing. I was wide awake, and I felt everything. The pain was enough to make me cry on the table, apologising all the while. I had a full dose of sedation, plus two extra local anaesthetic shots to my cervix, and nothing helped. And to find out after all that, that I'd only managed to get 5 eggs out of it? I was a mess. I spent the hour and a bit in recovery blubbering and in pain. 
We're home now. I'm tired, I'm sad. The scientist we spoke to after the procedure told me that because of my age, my eggs were likely just fine - and Jase did great with his part of the bargain too, love that man. He's so wonderful, he's really looking after me and I feel so lucky that he's my husband.
Now all we can do is wait, and pray to God that these 5 eggs fertilise. Our odds of frozen embryos are shot now, so praying we get at least one or two that are overachievers, so that we can transfer the very best one.

20 Comments • Labels: , ,  


Kato Potato said...

I'm hopeful! So very hopeful for you!! Big hugs lady!

Kato Potato said...

I'm hopeful! So very hopeful for you!! Big hugs lady!

sass @ (In)fertility Unexplained said...

I'm so sorry you were wide awake for the procedure. How awful. And to follow that up with half the number of eggs retrieved than you expected must be very difficult.

The nurses I talk to are always quick to remind me that it only takes 1, and that quality is much more important than quantity (this I know). I hope that you have an excellent fertilization report today, and that they are able to transfer a perfect little embryo soon.

Hang in there. You can do this.

Kelly said...

Aly, I am so sorry. But you know what? One of those 5 might just be your baby. Don't give up hope yet!!

Emilie said...

5 is better than 4 or 3 or 2 or 1 or none! You still have hope, and that is what's important. I don't know if you've seen the Shawshank Redemption, but this quote is from that movie and it's one of my favorites in the whole entire world: "Hope is a good thing, and no good thing ever dies." Believe that, lady. I'm believing it for you and J. Love you lots and lots.

Non Sequitur Chica said...

I know you wanted a lot more than 5, but still there are 5 chances! You still have hope!

I'm sorry that you had to feel the procedure- I'm sure that was awful (but hopefully it will be worth it!).

Elley @ Up Above The World So High said...

What a horrible experience, being awake and everything... I just want to give you a hug!!

I have high hopes for those 5 eggs, the quality is the most important part. Sending love!

Kelly said...

I am so hopeful that one of those 5 eggs will be your baby. Thank you so much for sharing your story, Aly. I wish that I could give you a hug because you have been through so much. I have my HSG on Monday and am trying to prepare myself for the long road ahead. I hope that I am able to go through it with the grace that you have shown.

ehomaha said...

I'm so sorry that you had to experience ALL of that :( I'll be praying for you and all 5 of those eggs. Hang in there girlie!

Court said...

I just found your blog through ICLW. Don't be discouraged with the number. Don't give up hope! Praying for you!!

Candace said...

I'm so sorry Aly!!!! I have faith everything will work out. I am always thinking of you, I mean it! <3 <3 I'm so glad you have an amazing hubby to take such wonderful care of you.

Unknown said...

positive thoughts please, please THINK pregnant, mind over matter.
I cant remember my numbers just that he stuck and I knew he would from the moment I was told

Nathan Pralle said...

Many positive thoughts and hopes coming your way from all of us! Here's hoping it all works out! Meanwhile, rest and relax as best as you can. *HUGS*

~stinkb0mb~ said...

remember gorgeous gal - it just takes one to make a babe and fill your arms.....just one.


A Long Far View said...

I'm so sorry that it was such a rough experience for you, but I have high hopes for those 5 eggs! Big hugs and thinking really good thoughts for the next step!

jlynn said...

Big big (((hugs)))
I'm sorry to hear that your ER was such a horrible experience. Thinking of you and hoping you have five rockstars on your hands!

ICLW #104

dspence said...

I am sorry to hear that retrieval was so rough. Praying for an outstanding fertilization report!

Mrs Green Grass said...

Jag - I'm sorry it's not the number you wanted. Don't despair yet. Like many people are saying, it only takes one. I hope they call you with the fertilization results soon!

Mrs. Higrens said...

First, you are 100% not alone.

Second, I can't believe you went through the procedure awake! That's just awful...and hard to get over regardless of the retrieval statistics.

Fingers crossed that your 5 are fighters and that you end up with 5 lovely embryos - enough to transfer and freeze.

Katelin said...

oy i'm so sorry! keeping my fingers crossed for you! xo

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