23 weeks + 3 days

Today's blog post is coming straight from the comfort of my lounge, because I'm so sore and exhausted that I can't physically pry myself upright. It's been a busy few days! Christmas was great - we had an early dinner at our place for the family, and were spoiled with a BBQ for our outdoor area from my parents.

Baby girl also got a present this year from my brother/almost SIL - a lilac bumbo. Hubby and I weren't supposed to be exchanging gifts this year, since we didn't need anything and thought we'd save up for the little one instead - but he surprised me by buying (& assembling) the wooden cradle I've been eyeing off for a few weeks. He even hid the packaging and finished product in our spare room, so I was completely clueless. It was such a lovely surprise.
In other baby news, we started putting together some of our furniture over the holiday break. So far, we've only completed the changing table {seen here with the mat} - we started on the crib, but looks like we're missing a few pieces from the flat-pack box, so might have to exchange it for a new one. We still have a chest of drawers to assemble, too. I love the timber furniture. It's so pretty and simple, and any colour will match it nicely. This is good, since I am ABSOLUTELY CLUELESS about where to start with decorating this nursery!
Yesterday was Boxing Day here in Australia - but for some reason, a lot of the suburban stores stay closed on the public holiday. That meant that shopping bargains started today - and I had my eye on ONE thing I wanted this year. The car-seat we were looking at buying is normally $300, but they were marked down to $150 - half price! Since we could get 2-for-1, we decided we'd get two of them, one for each of our cars, so that we don't need to manually chop and change for the first four years of baby's life. I got up super early, and hit the stores at opening time, with my mum in tow. Luckily, we found two - and they're safely put away in the garage now, until closer to our due date when we'll have them professionally fitted.
Lots of little pieces are coming together slowly - so I'm getting there. It's starting to feel a lot more real now!

3 Comments • Labels: ,  


Anonymous said...

Where is the changing table from? I love it!

Kiddo Bliss said...

That cradle is beautiful!

Kristin said...

Sounds like you got a bunch of great gifts...and, I love how your husband surprised you.

ICLW #6 Dragondreamer's Lair

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