The Weekly Run-Down: 17

How Far Along: We're at 17 weeks and counting!

Size of baby: An onion? Isn't that smaller than an avocado? Sometimes these fruits/veggies confuse me.

Random & Interesting Developmental Stuff:  Here's this week's run-down:

Finally, your baby's arms, legs, and trunk have caught up to the size of his head. Baby starts plumping up this week, as body fat is deposited under his skin and sweat glands develop. Also worth noting: The placenta is almost as big as your baby. It provides vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, and oxygen, along with removing waste and filtering carbon dioxide.

Total Weight Gain: Definitely up. I feel like I've gained quite a bit this past week. 

Sleep: I quite enjoy it, yes.

Symptoms: My boobs are feeling HUGE. Also, I keep getting this 'I feel like a bowling ball is going to drop out when I walk' vibe - even though I'm only 17 weeks. Everything feels big and heavy and kind of uncomfortable.

Cravings: Back to dairy. Cheese and yoghurt.

Gender: IT'S A GIRL! (I love that I can say that now, how incredible.) :) :) :)

Movement: Frustratingly, nothing. 

Maternity Clothes: Leggings.

Milestones: No big ones this week, really. I'm just powering away & hoping time goes by quickly.

What I'm looking forward to: The weekend! I'm exhausted. I'm also looking forward to the 19-week scan, which is coming up on Monday week. I am so anxious to see that things look healthy - lots of prayers.

The belly: I'm back to feeling bloated again rather than 'rounded' - my belly feels heavier than last week, for sure. Scary considering that the baby is only the size of an onion, eh? KITTY PHOTO BOMB, ftw.

You can catch up on my weekly pregnancy updates {in reverse order} by clicking here. For bump shots - go here!

6 Comments • Labels: ,  


JB said...

Gorgeous pic! I also got frustrated with the fruits/veggies. They stopped making sense for a while! About boy was so stubborn and didn't really move until about 22 weeks!!! I know how frustrating it can be :)

Just T said...

You look amazing! Can't believe little girl is 17 weeks along already.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Love the totally compliments your pregnancy! ;)

Tully said...

Oh wow, what an adorable little baby bump you have!

Also, i agree with other commenters, that dress is just gorgeous on you.

Breanne said...

You're so cute! If it makes you feel any better, I didn't feel baby movement till I was about 21 weeks. And then I stayed up for 2 hours in the middle of the night relishing it!:)

~Mummy~ said...

LOL LARGE onion ???

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