October Photography Challenge - Day 2: What I Wore Today

Day 2: What I wore today: I bought this dress to wear to a wedding a few weeks ago, but Jase didn't like it AT ALL. It's sort of turned into a more casual one now. It's not quite time for me to *gulp* bare my shoulders just yet, so it's paired with a black cardigan and some black wedges. Word to the wise: please excuse the un-brushed hair.

I quite like the idea of having a handful of my favourite images per day. Good times!
The chosen picture:
For more information & to check out the other participants, click on the image below, or follow the Flickr stream.

8 Comments • Labels:  


Kelly said...

I HAVE THIS DRESS TOO!! And I nearly wore it today!!! Opted for jeans and a tee instead as mum and I are taking dad into the hospital for his next scan.
Also, Matt loooooves the dress. What doesn't Jase like about it?

Ali @ His Birdie's Nest said...

I love our dress! I love that you wore a cardigan over it, I ALWAYS wear cardigans :)

Meg @ Moments Like This said...

I love this dress. It’s too cold here to wear it but I wish the weather would allow dresses with no tights or sweaters for a little longer. Also, I think this blue looks great on you!

Rose said...

Cute wedges! I love a good pair of black shoes and think I have a similar pair but closed toe :)

Angela said...

Oohh I love the shoes!!

Angela Noelle said...

I love that style of dress, but I just can't pull it off. Looks gorgeous on you!

Molly said...

You're so cute :)

Unknown said...

Love those shoes! I wish I could wear heels like that. Beautiful dress!

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