October Photography Challenge - Day 30: Self-portrait

Day 30: Self-portrait: I made it all the way through - we started with a self-portrait & ended with a self-portrait, how fitting. Unfortunately I was much more 'well' at the beginning of the month; I've come down with a rotten head cold and feel disgusting at the moment. But the important thing is... it's done!

I've learnt a lot this month. I took my camera off 'auto' mode more & enjoyed fiddling around with the settings. I thought outside the box, and took pictures of things I wouldn't normally take pictures of. And most importantly, I've blogged all the way through - it was a great way to get my mojo back. I'm certainly no pro photog, but I've had fun.

Unfortunately, you're stuck with my sick head for today's picture, but that's me right now: pj's, tissues & a sad face. Thanks for visiting this month & your lovely comments - it's been great sharing them with you this October!
 For more information & to check out the other participants, click on the image below, or follow the Flickr stream.

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