October Photography Challenge - Day 15: Silhouette

Day 15: Silhouette: I took these shots by sitting below J while he was standing directly under the sun in the middle of the morning. The structure you can see behind him is the roof of our balcony - which isn't really a roof at all. It's timber slats - but they're not covered like an awning. Instead, they're just clear. All they really do is act as a perch for the birds to sit on and taunt Oscar-cat in the springtime. They do look nice though, I suppose.

I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, considering I've never actually taken a silhouette shot on purpose before.
For more information & to check out the other participants, click on the image below, or follow the Flickr stream.

4 Comments • Labels:  


Lauren said...

These look awesome!!

Anonymous said...

At first it looked like he was under monkey bars at a playground! I am impressed though I am hoping the sun comes out today and I can get something similar!

Angela said...

Very cool! Looks like you are having so much fun with your camera. Hehe I had a little giggle when you said that you'd never taken a silhouette photo before 'on purpose'... I've taken so many by accident due to bad lighting/not knowing anything about photography! From now on I will look at them from a creative perspective :)

Kira said...

Nice sunflare in that first shot!

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