Fortify + Savour

11. fortify
What personal strengths will you use this year that you developed in 2013?
I carried a baby for almost 37 weeks. I gave birth, mostly of my own accord, and brought my daughter into the world. I fought for her when she was in special care, and fought for her during the early weeks of breastfeeding. Being her mum has taken more strength than I thought I had - and I've loved every second of it. Every time we battle through a learning curve, a cranky baby, a new experience, it's taught me to be stronger. 2014 is going to be about taking care of myself, so that I can be the best mum for her; that means getting healthy! :)
12. savour
What was your favourite food item/ingredient in 2013? What do you want to eat more or less of in 2014?
While I was pregnant last year, I drank a LOT of milk. I was always looking for quick snacks, and dairy products seemed to do the trick. While I was parenting a newborn, non-sleeping baby, food kind of became a lesser priority; so I developed bad habits of skipping meals & snacking a whole lot. This year, I'd like to eat MORE - more regularly, more quality foods & more veggies. That's a big stretch for me, since I'm a notoriously fussy eater, but I'm trying!

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Emilie said...

Eating more regularly is hard sometimes! I always pack a bunch of snacks for work but it gets busy and I lose track of time and before I know it, it's time to go home and I am starving so I raid the cookie jar when I walk in the door. Baaad :)

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