Dear School Canteen,
Let me begin by thanking you for providing me with lots of fantastically fattening meals in the past, and for helping me fill up many a lunchtime with me stuffing my face. You also contributed to my fat stores, which have helped to keep me insulated over the winter months. I suppose I should thankyou for that, even if I am going through hell to try and remove it all from my midsection now.
We've had a pretty good relationship, you and I. Even if I have taken to avoiding walking past you, for fear of binging on chocolate milk and chicken nuggets. We get along fairly well. But I have to ask you to please . . . PLEASE, for the love of all things healthy, stop making your garlic scented chicken and rice stir-fries waft through my classroom door. It smells divine, while plastic wrap really does not.
You're making my cheese sandwich look a trifle miserable in comparison. Please cease yummy smells immediately, if you would be so kind.
Yours in nutrition,
Tuesday 28 August 2007
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Random Ramblings
This is exactly whay I'm glad our cafeteria is in the NEXT building.
And this is the second day in a row I have had a misspelling in my comment.
And I'm not even drunk. Sadly.
Don't you just hate when things like that happen? I work in a retirement community and if I'm near the dining room during lunch time, I have insta-hunger!
good for you for abstaining! hehe
I am kinda dumb. I thought a canteen was a water bottle. Is this yet another global miscommunication of the Queen's English?!?
I know how you feel, my nutella sandwich just doesn't cut it.
I'm so glad the lunch order of choice in the staff room is a chicken salad. So once I get there, away from the nuggets, pizzas and lasagnas I'm safe.
For the same reason, all McDonald's restaurants should be stripped of their gorgeous, crispy, tastetastic fries. Heathens!
Firstly: Dear Jen, you have Nutella sandwiches?!? That's freaking brilliant!
Secondly: Dear Aly, I am in full supportment of your concerned correspondence to your employer. I'm sure there's some sort of law-suit in there, and I would totally vote for you. ;o)
gees, since when did canteens have garlic scented chicken and rice stir fry? :( all we had were pies, chips, potato cakes, sandwiches etc...nothing special.
my counsellor put me on a siliac's (sp?) diet to see if it altered my mood.. I'd get so mad because Kristie and Ana that I worked with were both toothpicks and would always go and get steak sandwiches and all sorts of wonderment contained in a meal, and I'd have to eat fruit pieces that had been soaking in their own juices for too long. Sucked.
today I stopped buying Noodles, when M asked why I said I am on a diet....M said "miss S has lost a lot of weight ...she look good"!!! but YES the smell is divine!!!
I hate food that smells better than it tastes, because I always end up eating the whole thing anyway. Also, I too was confused by the use of the word "canteen" in a non-water bottle context. I think I may have just learned something new.
Dear Alyndabear,
School food is delicious??? I wish I grew up in Australia!
I always thought one of the better perks when I was working for a private school was eating the school lunch without having to pay for it. But my office was far enough away that I didn't have to suffer through yummy food smells while feeling hungry.
I'm sure you are familiar with the school (buildings at least) - since both "Toy Soldiers" and "Major Payne" had large sections filmed on the grounds (but before my time working there).
Your sign-off, "Yours in Nutrition," cracked me up.
It's amazing how the power of smell can affect us so much. Even the power of suggestion: last week when we were talking about (or I was talking about) not eating burger and fries and soda, that's exactly what I went and had for lunch. Because it sounded so good! I should have just not even mentioned it and then maybe I would have avoided it. (Maybe.)
something divine smelling in a canteen? whoda thunk it?
all i smell in our cafeteria is grease...
deep fried grease with extra greasy grease on top.
...i think i'll go get some.
I don't know; I would be hard pressed to relinquish cheese anything. ; )
(Happy! Tuesday.)
Haha, that is absolutely evil of them. :p Glad I don't have to smell yummy food all day!
Am I going crazy, I could have sworn that it said banana sandwich before? xx
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