I think it's time I declare something: I still haven't read the final Harry Potter book.
Does that make me the last person alive who doesn't know the fate of Harry & the gang? Probably. Barring the crazies folks out there who aren't fans of the series and have no intention of reading it, that is. But the only fan left? Yep. Is possible.
Don't get me wrong; I adore the Harry Potter series. They are treasured books, ones I can happily re-read when the moment takes me. Like hundreds of others, I pre-ordered the book so that I would get it soon after it's release. It's been sitting patiently on my shelf, waiting for me to get off my arse and around to reading it.
At first, I decided to put off reading the book before Jason went to London; The way that I get involved in books, he would have had difficulty prying me off my bed to spend any time with me what-so-ever. I decided that I would save The Deathly Hallows until the weekend following his departure, so I could bury my nose in the story and pretend that I hadn't just said goodbye to my partner for five months.
That weekend came and went. Did I read it? Nope. I fell back into one of my old quirky habits with reading novels in a series - I decided to start again. I finished the first three books in the week before Jase left, as they were only small and I had that viral infection of death. Goblet of Fire was completed during lonely weekend number one. Order of the Phoenix was finished over the past week.
I've just re-started the Half Blood Prince. You get the idea.
This year, people have tried really hard to keep things as spoiler free as possible. Nearly every blog I've come across that has mentioned the Deathly Hallows, has used multiple exclamation marks and capital letter headings - !!!!!! ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK !!!!!! or warnings, kindly looking after readers like me. They have no idea how appreciative of this I am, as nearly a month after the book's release?
I still don't know what happens.
I remain spoiler free. Just the way I like it. And if you spoil it for me? I will grab a big stick, wave it around your forehead pretending to incant spells, and then jab you repeatedly in the eyeballs with it when you are least expecting it.
(I'm not a violent person, honestly.)
Saturday 11 August 2007
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Random Ramblings
I am one of those crazies apparently. I am a very serious bookworm and generally like fantasy novels, but for whatever reason haven't been able to 'GET INTO' the potter series. I read the first one but it was VERY difficult to finish. I kept reading thinking 48 BILLION people can't possibly be wrong' and thinking it would get better but it never did. I still plan to go back and give the 2nd one a try eventually, but with the waiting list of other books I have to read, I never seem to get around to it. Yup Im one o the crazies apparently.
You are not the only one. I was just out with some friends last night and one of my friends is only halfway through. So you are not alone.
And I was really impressed with all the people who are really trying to let people actually read the book and NOT spoil anything. I read it in one day thinking that all people are evil and would ruin the ending for me.
Can't wait to discuss when you are done! Because it is a hell of a book. And you'll be glad you've re-read all the others. You'll have way more of a clue than I did. I was Googling like "why did...?" "what was..." because I couldn't remember.
I used to ADORE the HP series. BUT, I havent even read the 6th one yet. In fact, I do not even know the NAME of the 6th one! Its been sitting on my bookshelf since its release - unread! So sadly not even close to reading the final one. Just a warning - theres some stupid idiot posting comments on YouTube with every spoiler possible! So now I dont really need to read the book... :(
Kristabella wrote: "I read it in one day thinking that all people are evil and would ruin the ending for me." Me too (though it took 4 days). Shame in a way - I rushed it rather than savoured it so as not to have it "spoiled".
I hope I didn't give anything away...
I have only read half of the first book, slightly embarrassed to say. I got distracted half way through and well.. never got around to re-starting. However, I have made a plan to read all of them consecutively after I finish the one I'm currently reading. (AKA - Girl Trash).
But I read the epilogue first. I actually skim-read it just to see who's names appear and in what context. So even though I have no idea on any of the other books... I know how it ends. But I won't tell you. :)
I think it's a good idea to re-read them! Sometimes I forget what happened in the previous book because it's been so long!
I am kind of excited for you! Now that I've finished, reading it, I'll never be in that place of awesome anticipation for what will happen ever again. You are going to have so much fun (and probably some tears) with the deathly hallows. Let us know what you think when you finish!
Well like a few of the others I read it quickly as to not have anyone spoil it for me. I picked it up the day after the release and started reading it that afternoon. It took me approx. 2 days to read the entire thing. I had to sleep!!
It was a really good book and if you're like me you became one with the characters so you'll probably laugh and cry all at the same time.
I hope you enjoy it and we can surely discuss it after you're done.
The crazies are people like my sister-in-law who think that HP is evil and that it opens people/childrens minds to "dark sided things". I haven't read ANY HP books yet. Have them all and can't seem to get around to it. I did the same thing way back when Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles were all the rage. A decade later and Leslie was hooked. I figure I'll get around to starting the series sometimes before the end of the year.
It's fun to watch other people enjoy it for the first time!!! I can't wait to hear what you think...
Interesting that YOU know what people are interested in and what they aren't interested in, I guess in addition to you being the "end all" for a bunch of young'ins you are also a psychic. Along with not knowing humour when you read it, thank gawd we have you forming the minds of little ones. I just don't know what we would have done with out you and your input. Thanks again. :)
Dude, thank you for sticking up for me on my blog. I agree with you. Clearly that chick has no interest in my blog and the "tone" of it so I don't really understand why she is hanging around just to insult me. It's soooo lame and annoying. Oh well.
I haven't read any of the Harry Potter books, but for some reason I totally want to know what happens at the end of the final book! I still don't know either!!! Let me know when you finish it and you can tell me if anyone dies. Hope you are having a good weekend!!!
I haven't finished yet. I think I've read about 350 pages. I just haven't had the time to sit and read for longer than 20 minutes. I will get there! I'm surprised how well I've avoided spoilers too. Someone started talking about it in the staffroom, but I stopped them and went to leave, so they continued after I went out on playground duty.
Potter Fan reporting for confession. Have no started Deathly Hallows yet. I did manage to read a TEENY bit of the very last page - and that gave me enough information to procrastinate reading the book. Again. Some more. :o) Such is life I suppose.
My boyfriends sister and her husband haven't read it yet either, and they are ardent fans. I had to read it on the first weekend so that I could troll the internet without fear.
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