
For most Aussie teachers out there, this time of year is horrible. We have half yearly reports due, we're tired after teaching for 20 weeks straight (with a measly two week break in between) and time at work seems to slow down and drag on . . . and on . . . and, well, you get the idea. The weekends disappear, and the working week feels more like a year. I'm experiencing a very rocky relationship with Mondays as of late.

I'm lucky enough to be recieving my hour of release time now, but even that time has been eaten up. How can it only be Monday? We have a busy week coming up, as our school is celebrating it's 25th birthday and there are lots of things happening. But it's overcast and miserable, and all I feel like doing is curling into a ball and sleeping. There are cots in the preschool, wonder if they'd let me borrow one?

I'm sure there is a point to this blog post. And I'm fairly sure that the point involves a request for sympathy, attention and possibly alcohol, but I'm so scatterbrained that I've forgotten. (I'm fairly sure the alcohol was a positive, though.) Instead, I'll settle for being distracted by all of the fun things that are going on with YOU instead. I'll just pretend to be enjoying the good times as well, okay?

12 Comments • Labels:  


Lara said...

i graduated!!!!!!!!!

(ooh, look at all those exclamation points...)

Melanie Harris said...

Hope work calms down soon. I don't envy you.

velocibadgergirl said...

I'll send you hugs and a big fluffy pillow as thanks for introducing me to Bloglines. It is my precious!

LaLa said...

WHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYY can't I work Bloglines? It doesn't make the sense!

I just flossed my teeth, feel pretty spanky now!

(nswscrapper) said...

Oh I hear you! I'm in the same boat...AND it's Dance Festival time...AND I have a student teacher...AND I have six sets of reports to check as well as my own...AND there's an Eisteddfod...AND I have Count Me In Too to coordinate. I'm exhausted!!

But know what? After 30 years I still LOOOOOVE teaching.

By the way, how come only one hour RFF??? (If you're part-time, disregard that question).

Chin up!!!!!

kirby said...

the smirnoff I left at your house way back in february might still be good.

if someone hasn't already drunk it, I hearby declare it yours for the taking.
ps... I would offer to have a girly day with you to ease your mind... but I have to leave the country on sunday....
I'm free when I get back though!

nancypearlwannabe said...

Today is the very last day of the kiddos until September. September! Hang in there chica, you can make it.

Laurel said...

I hope you motor through, Aly! Next weekend is just around the corner! Right?

heidikins said...

Boo Hiss on tiring, boring, never-ending work! Hope things start looking up soon! If it makes you feel any better, I'd rather have overcast and gray than 108 degrees and no air conditioning... (that was my scenario this weekend... talk about the burning pits of hell!)


Carrie said...

And here I am thinking that being a teacher would be the greatest job in the world. lol

angela said...

Well, let's see, I AM eating Milk Duds right now, so that's pretty exhilirating. Don't you just wish you were me?

~Kathryn~ said...

tell him you want to get engaged before he goes

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