Today started out like any other day.
I unwillingly got out of bed, stumbled around in the dark looking for another jumper to put on, made myself a hot chocolate and snuck onto the computer to check my email. I spent the next hour happily distracted emailing Aimee, bringing out the old "I don't WANT to go to school today" whinge and pretending not to notice what the actual time was. Comfy as I was, it was time to get ready so off I slouched to the bathroom.
I don't know what it was that made me do things differently this morning. Maybe it's end-of-term-itis or something. But instead of showering, I decided to brush my teeth first. What's so eventful about that, you ask?
(Other than enlightening you all about my dental hygiene habits, that is.)
As I opened my mouth to stick in the toothbrush, I split the corner of my lip. You know, that part in the middle, to the side of your mouth, where your top and bottom lip join.
Yeah. That part.
It's the most painful thing I've experienced in a long time.
Post laser eyeballs? Meh. Slamming my finger three times in the same drawer last week? Meh. Shin splints when trying to run? Bah. They're nothing!
As for my mouth, damn. Who knew I used it so much? (No dirty references intended.)
Talking hurts. Smiling hurts. Opening my mouth to yawn? Heck, no. Add the fact that my tongue keeps sneaking out to touch it and that it looks like a big festy cold sore, and I'm sure you can imagine that I'm not a happy little vegemite.
Anyone have a paper bag to share with me?
Wednesday 27 June 2007
This entry was posted on 03:04
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That is so weird that that happened to you, because it just happened to me over the weekend, except apparently it happened in my sleep and now it's all red and sore and yeah, looks like herpes. Nice.
Awww yeah that is really painful! I haven't had that happen in a while thankfully, hope it gets better soon!
Am trying to make name come up as LaLa. Did it work?
Even I wondered who Julia was! Sorry I did not answer you on msn tonight, was cooking good looking!
man, those really hurt. i hope it gets better soon!!
Those do hurt.
Kind of like the pimple right in the crease of my lips.
Ouch! That does not sound like fun. Thanks for distracting me. I was totally excited to figure out the time difference. LOL Here I sit...still Tuesday...knowing that you'll be waking like 3 hours ready for Wednesday. SHEESH! Not fair!
Okay, if it IS a cold sore, then damn...I feel your pain. I have one as we speak, actually, and I am just thanking the heavens that it never exploded into a big festering sore of gross and yuck like it normally does. But that is nothing compared to the cold sore I got in England...which was at the base of my nostril. Who knew you could get them there?!!
My recommendation, if you can get it at the drugstore, is Zovirax cream. In Canada you need a prescription for the stuff, but I found out that you can buy it over-the-counter in England, so you might want to check it out in case the same is true for Australia. That'll get rid of it in no time. :)
Ouch! I've had that happen before, and you're right -- it HURTS!
That sucks. I have had that hapen before. I thought I was just weird. I wonder what the heck causes them?
Ack! I'm so sorry! That stinks! I wish I had some kind of special witch-remedy that would fix it... unfortunatley, my only advice is to stay away from the Orange Juice, or anything else with citric acid! xoxox
That sucks. But I double dog dare you to suck on a lemon. lol
That ranks up there with those papercuts you get when licking envelopes. You keep touching it with you tongue and next thing you know it's big, swollen and ugly. And you know that everyone who looks at you thinks that you've been doing someone nasty. My condolences. Use Blistex or something like that with (gasp) Phenol to help it heal.
Ouuuuuch... I always dip a q-tip in Listerine. It stings, but it numbs that kind of thing right up!
A tooth brushing injury? Very impressive!
That really hurts, hope it doesnt give you too much pain.
Not a fun start to the morning. I've never heard of a tooth brushing injury, but I guess if anyone is going to get it, it would certainly be you.
i never got the appeal of vegemite :) all my aussie friends swore by the brown-ish, salty paste...
have you ever gotten cold sores on your lips? also a b$#%^.
Totally been there. Here's a helpful hint. Don't drink lemonade for at lease a week.
hm. hope to see same more info. Can we speake about it?
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