Enter At Your Own Risk

Last night, I got hit with the "Holy crap, it can't possibly be that time of the month again so soon, damnit, shit, whinge, bugger, fuck" stick.

That was closely followed by the "I'm a moody bitch that may snap at any reason, so if you value your life, step away quickly please" stick.

After that, came the "I may just burst into tears and sulk like a baby after trying to take a passport photo that does not make me look like the walking death" stick.

Then, the "Let's just forget about it and go to bed because the thought of actually using one of those afore mentioned pictures makes me cringe and want to cry again" stick made an appearance.

Not to forget the "I think I'll toss and turn every five seconds until I eventually fall asleep with my arms clutched around my gut", stick that decided to poke me too.

And I mustn't miss out on the next installment, since next up came the "It's time for middle of the night intense cramps that caused me agony, and made me wake up Jason, whinge whinge blah blah" stick.

Joining in with all the fun, the next stick to hit me was the "I'm bloody exhausted but won't be able to get back to sleep, so I might as well make a cup of tea and sit up for a few hours doing Sudoko puzzles and listening to the rain until I eventually have to haul my butt upstairs and try and get some sleep before I explode" stick.

As a final blow, the "Haha, your alarm just went off and you have had two hours sleep and you look like a big, pale, cranky whale, but now it's time to make Jason breakfast, so get up you lazy cow!" stick decided to finish me off. Nasty stick, that one.

Thank goodness the house is empty today, because I think it's going to be one of those days.

5 down; 25 to go.

3 Comments • Labels:  


Ngaire said...

Hmmm. This reminds me of our household at thos time of the month! Same crap different location!
Hope you are feeling like normal again soon!

Hana said...

That's a damn lotta sticks!

Bleh, hope you feel better soon :(

briliantdonkey said...

I have never/ and will never claim that being of the 'pee standing up' gender has many other rewards besides that single,solitary one, but it is a good one. Hope you feel better soon. Sweet a fellow Sudoku(er). I am addicted to those damned things.

Now get to the b*nd*ge already!lol


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